Thursday, June 17, 2010

The veggies of my labor.....

I like the outdoors. I like to swim, lie in the sun, go for walks and picnics, but I have never had an interest in gardening. Not vegetables. Not flowers.

My mom fixed these beautiful flower beds in front of our house and I didn't touch them till a year after we bought our house. Yeah.....

I don't know if I'm just growing up or if it's the mom in me, but this year, I decided I wanted to plant a vegetable garden. I researched different veggies, and when and how to plant them. We bought seeds way back in February. I was so excited!Of course, planning a garden and and actually planting a garden are two very different things. Throw a 10 month old into the mix and the gardening thing becomes......a little more difficult. I've done my best, though.

I try to keep it up, but I can't get out everyday and weed and hoe it. Actually, until yesterday, it looked like a field of overgrown grass with bigger plants growing in places. That is, until my wonderful dad came down and hoed most of it for me! (Thanks dad!) Of course, this was while my awesome mama was keeping Kade and I occupied with swimming and naps and dinner! She's pretty great, too (though I won't post a picture of her swimming with Kade because she might be mad)!

Kade loves the pool, even though *ahem* we have baptized him twice already.

Back to my garden, though. I went back out this morning to try to finish hoeing it and my precious son decided to be cooperative and let me work for a whole hour while he played in his Pack n' Play in the shade. He is such a good boy! I think he was even had fun!

And now, my garden looks like a garden.
I can't take all the credit, though!
So, here's to all the little (and bigger) people!


  1. I think you're on a roll with your looks great! In fact, I think you should come over and weed my flower beds for me, just to keep your momentum going! ;-)

  2. lol Beth, I am terrible with flowers! I jerk up every weed (or weeding-looking plant) that I see. Doesn't matter if I get the root or not as long as I can't see the weed!
