I just ran by the credit union to pay Michael's car payment, and when I handed the lady at the window his statement, I said, "I need to pay my husband's car payment." She took the money and went to enter it in the computer and when she came back, she said, "Can I help you with anything else, Mrs. Bowman?" Immediately, I felt that familiar thrill (I am totally serious) that I get anytime someone calls me "Mrs. Bowman", simply because I love having that identity.My husband loved me enough to marry me and give me his last name. I love sharing his name and having a connection to who he is--an awesome, godly, hilarious, hardworking, loving guy. Even if the person has no idea who my husband is or anything about him, I know who he is and I'm proud to be his wife and to be Mrs. Bowman.
I was thinking, as I drove away with that mushy feeling, what if we felt the same thrill about the identity God has given us. 1 John 3:1 says, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" We are sons and daughters of God, because of God's love! He loved us enough to sacrifice His son so that we could be close to Him. Think of the life changing things that would happen if we were so proud of that name and that identity that we went out and told everyone about Him. I love to brag about my husband and how cool he is, but what if we went out and bragged on God and how incredibly, unbelievably awesome He is. I'm doing a Kay Arthur Bible study with some friends right now, and one of the lessons said that the word "glory" means to give something or someone it's full worth. God wants us to bring glory to His name and the only way we can do that is to show and tell the world His full worth.
I'm not going to share my identity as Michael's wife with anyone else, but I'd be glad to share my identity as a daughter of God. He wants everyone to have that identity and to be proud of it. He wants everyone to have the benefits of being His child.